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With a number of print advertising spaces, sizes, and placements available, Modern Plastics India Magazine can effectively tailor space in the magazine to your marketing needs. Whether you wish to promote your business in the magazine’s NEWS pages, as a standalone advertorial, or within existing individual features on leading plastic companies, we can provide the space you need to communicate your message.
Modern Plastics India official offers up-to-the-minute international news, in-depth analysis, and feature content to over 15 million unique browsers each month across PCs, tablets, and mobile devices.
Modern Plastics News television is available in all countries and territories worldwide and has reached over 10 million subscribers and over 30 thousand Corporates. The channel’s content is also available on social media, the internet and other platforms.
With a combined print and online trade readership in excess of over 1,000,000 individuals, Modern Plastics India Magazine is a highly regarded and reputable Plastics Industry magazine all across the Globe, as afforded to it by the quantity of news, exclusive information, press release and events insight within the pages of the magazine, website as well as newsletter itself.
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